Exchange Calendar on Incredible


New Member
Sep 6, 2010
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Ok so i like this phone but I am having huge issues with my exchange calendar. If I delete a reoccuring appt from my phone rather then my exchange calendar on my laptop, it stops synching. I have had to delete and add exchange 3 times already on my phone. Then I spent 5 hours going day by day and deleting the multiple entries that ended up on my calendar after doing this. NOW when i go to add an appt on my phone my only two options are PC Synch or gmail. Exchange is there because i can add from my laptop and it appears on my phone but not visa versa. I am giving this phone one more try IF someone can help me get the exchange option for my calendar back on my phone. To clarify to be able to add to my calendar from my phone and have it synch to exchange w/o doing a pc synch.
Hey Steph - I had this same problem with 2 of my clients and their Verizon Incredibles; they were syncing fine until the latest update occurring around September 6-ish, which hosed up their calendars - wouldn't sync properly, created duplicate entries, etc. Here's the fix:

1. Delete the Exchange account from your phone (make note of settings first if you don't know them by heart)
2. Goto Settings, Applications, Manage Applications, All - goto each Calendar app (Calendar, Calendar Storage, etc.) and press "Clear Data".
3. Reboot phone and readd Exchange account - should sync fine again.
Not for me. My calendar stopped syncing after the 2.2 update. Thanks for the idea though.