Droid X UID errors & unable to reset

So, I tried leaving the battery out in hopes of letting internal battery drain (if that even makes any sense, I have no idea what I'm doing) and then started it up straight into bootloader and tried the SBF again. The SBF flashing failed again (I guess no surprise if it does require root), same checksum error. It also corrupted my bootloader in the process. But, I did a battery pull and tried again, and the system reloaded as before. Checked the bootloader and it's fine again. I feel like I'm in the movie Groundhog Day and I'm driving myself off a cliff to my doom with Punxsutawney Phil in shotgun. Are there any attractive female reporters out there I could make sweet love to in order to end this misery? (/spoiler)

I'd also accept feedback from anyone else with ideas. Probably preferable actually, considering the girlfriend and all. Remember, I'm willing to root and I'll try pretty much anything. Do yer worst.

Edit: Apparently technically the female in that movie was not a reporter, but I digress.
For what it's worth (after much Googling), these look potentially related to my issue:

Droid X. Can't sbf, can't format data/cache/system, can't install rom - Motorola - RootzWiki - Page 3

I'm not sure how to use this information though... Is there any way I can make it so the phone recognizes changes made to itself? Again, willing to root (if necessary or even possible).

Also, is this even in the right forum? I just realized there's a Droid X forum, just posted in the first "Droid" forum I saw. Don't want to double-post if possible but I can post there and link to here and if a moderator sees this please fix.

Edit: @ mods, alternately this thread could be closed and the new thread here: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/dr...-x-uid-errors-reset-problems.html#post2189014 could take over. Your call, just trying to sort this out.
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Droid X UID errors and Reset problems

I'm having System UID Inconsistency Errors and can't seem to reset my phone (or SBF it). It's like Teflon, nothing sticks.

I already posted this in a different forum, but I think I put it in the wrong place. Please see here: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/te...s/216192-droid-x-uid-errors-unable-reset.html

I don't really care if the old thread is moved to this forum or closed, just want to solve this thing! Sorry for the double post.
Basically, if I don't reset my phone, I get lots of Force Closes and reboots (often into a reboot loop). If I do try to reset my phone, it says it's wiped, but then on reboot the phone looks the same as it did before. When I try to flash the SBF, I get checksum errors which I think are saying that the copying was faulty, maybe because it wasn't copied at all? Anyway, the SBF flashing failed.

Plenty more information in the other thread, see above. I also just posted links to a couple other issues that seem similar to mine. Need help in terms of implementation. I'm not rooted, but am out of warranty and am willing to root if it fixes my problems.
I combined your threads.... hope you find the answers you're looking for.. wish I could help you more, but I don't flash or sbf.

I combined your threads.... hope you find the answers you're looking for.. wish I could help you more, but I don't flash or sbf.


Thank you good sir
No problem.. :) its what we're here for :)

I wish I could be more help, but I have never seen any of those errors and wouldn't even know where to begin to try and be any help. Sorry :(
Basically, if I don't reset my phone, I get lots of Force Closes and reboots (often into a reboot loop). If I do try to reset my phone, it says it's wiped, but then on reboot the phone looks the same as it did before. When I try to flash the SBF, I get checksum errors which I think are saying that the copying was faulty, maybe because it wasn't copied at all? Anyway, the SBF flashing failed.

Plenty more information in the other thread, see above. I also just posted links to a couple other issues that seem similar to mine. Need help in terms of implementation. I'm not rooted, but am out of warranty and am willing to root if it fixes my problems.

I have exactly the same issue and not sure what to do, please let me know if you made any progress and had chance to fix your phone. my useless brick is Motorola DroidX2
I have exactly the same issue and not sure what to do, please let me know if you made any progress and had chance to fix your phone. my useless brick is Motorola DroidX2
Unfortunately, I made zilch progress and ended up buying a refurbished Razr. But I still have my bricked Droid X and remain subscribed to this thread in the hopes that the right person will stumble across this thread and realize exactly what's up. Praps the new activity now will attract someone's attention that knows a bit more about this.

For what it's worth, at the time I read somewhere else about someone with a seemingly similar problem and the hypothesis was that somehow the phone had lost write access to itself. That thread ended up dying prematurely too though. I'd say just keep asking and Googling and if you find anything let me (and others finding this) know!

Sorry I didn't have better news. :p