Deal: 2nd Gen Moto X Only $299 Through BestBuy!


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Oct 6, 2011
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The 2nd Gen Moto X 2014 is one of the best devices around still! It was one of the top devices of late 2014. The Moto X holds its own against today's flagships with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 processor with 2GB of ram, 16 GB of storage, a 5.2" HD display, 13mp camera, and a 2300mah battery. The device normally runs $549, but BestBuy is currently selling the device off contract for $299! You won't be able to take advantage of the Moto Maker customizations at this price, but its worth the savings in my opinion. You will be able to pick up this device for either Verizon or At&t.

Verizon Moto X
AT&T Moto X
16GB of storage....can't do it.
Yeah, but $299 off contact! There's the "other family members'" phone for many.
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I think that's sexist, Foxcat. ;)
Okokok, lol... Then let's just say that's a superb blend of price point and device performance level that makes buying new and more powerful devices for those in the family unit who are less concerned for having the latest and greatest far more palatable.
I'd rather get G3 Unlocked was $349 this week... better phone number for price...

Tapped by NexusSix
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