Change Hardware Keys?


New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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I know this has been asked a lot, however I also noticed that they where all pretty old posts.

Now that we have custom roms and so forth; has anyone figured out a way to remap the hardware keys?

Id really like to use apps like quickdesk and multitasker but theres no way to get the home key to properly map. It really cripples the device a lot.

If there is no way can someone just explain why? Is this really hard coded into the phones keys themselves or something?
I really wanna get an X but this bugs me also. Im so used to where my keys are now on my D1 that when I play with friends Xs I always hit the wrong thing.
I haven't heard of anyone changing their hardware keys yet. And if someone has, it's news to me. I'm still learning new things every day.

And just like any other phone you get use to the setup pretty quickly.
Wasn't sure if I was out of the loop and missed it. Hopefully it's a software limitation and not necessarily hardware.