Battery life simple solution


Feb 5, 2011
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Ok Idk if yall will call me crazy or not but this works on my Droid incredible everytime! When I get up in the morning after leaving my phone on charge all night I unplug my phone and when I'm done taking a shower I plug it back up and by the time I am ready to leave I unplug it and it will last a noticeably longer time.. Idk y or how but I'm wondering if anyone else can test it or explain y it works?

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It's a well known method, especially among Incredible users, it's called bump charging. If you really want to see an improvement turn off your phone and then plug the charger back in, the LED will be orange and will turn green in about 15-20min iirc.
Ok I will try that, I had no idea others used it I just found out by chance, thanks

Sent from my rooted Droid Incredible using DroidFourms
Be advised that this will significantly shorten your battery life if yoi keep doing this every day.