App to show clock while charging?

actually alarm clock plus is flawless...just found it.

So...up to you if u want to pursue further...I would still use your app.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
actually alarm clock plus is flawless...just found it.

So...up to you if u want to pursue further...I would still use your app.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Nice find! I can set the alarm clock plus to execute upon plugging in power and the default home button on that screen to be the Car Home Ultra (found in alarm clock plus settings to configure these options). So plugging in to charge in the house the big clock comes up, if I want regular launcher at that point I just hit back. If I am in the car and want Car Home Ultra after plugging in power then I just hit the home icon on the big clock screen :)
Nice find! I can set the alarm clock plus to execute upon plugging in power and the default home button on that screen to be the Car Home Ultra (found in alarm clock plus settings to configure these options). So plugging in to charge in the house the big clock comes up, if I want regular launcher at that point I just hit back. If I am in the car and want Car Home Ultra after plugging in power then I just hit the home icon on the big clock screen :)

Yep. It even works like the old droid dock would where it shows the clock for a bit with the buttons and weather and then goes to "screensaver" mode with a dimmer clock.

I feel bad for gflam, I'm sure he'd have figured it out and it could very well be a great app still, especially for its simplicity, but Alarm Clock Plus is perfect for my needs despite all the other stuff it was intended to do.
Yep. It even works like the old droid dock would where it shows the clock for a bit with the buttons and weather and then goes to "screensaver" mode with a dimmer clock.

I feel bad for gflam, I'm sure he'd have figured it out and it could very well be a great app still, especially for its simplicity, but Alarm Clock Plus is perfect for my needs despite all the other stuff it was intended to do.

Bah don't feel bad for gflam he will live :D
Sorry went out for a while but alright no problem wasn't much don't feel bad was just a few lines of code if I were on ics probably would have got it quick but if that works then no need to keep going was just trying to help ha :)

Sent from my evo 3d at 1.8ghz
Sorry went out for a while but alright no problem wasn't much don't feel bad was just a few lines of code if I were on ics probably would have got it quick but if that works then no need to keep going was just trying to help ha :)

Sent from my evo 3d at 1.8ghz

Ah there gflam is... Thanks for the effort and hope to see ya with a new Gnex :) I wouldn't mind seeing the multi ROM boot prog I bought from ya updated for the Gnex :icon_ devil:
We worked in the gnex but it's having same issues as nexus but still seems doable

Sent from my evo 3d at 1.8ghz
Nice find! I can set the alarm clock plus to execute upon plugging in power and the default home button on that screen to be the Car Home Ultra (found in alarm clock plus settings to configure these options). So plugging in to charge in the house the big clock comes up, if I want regular launcher at that point I just hit back. If I am in the car and want Car Home Ultra after plugging in power then I just hit the home icon on the big clock screen :)

question about alarm clock plus:
is there any way to just have blank/ black background when on the alarm clock/ desk app? It always shows my wallpaper, but that's distracting from the features of the app.

otherwise, love the app and its functionality.

sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
question about alarm clock plus:
is there any way to just have blank/ black background when on the alarm clock/ desk app? It always shows my wallpaper, but that's distracting from the features of the app.

otherwise, love the app and its functionality.

sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Don't see any option for that in the Alarm Clock Plus. Maybe ask the developer if possible to add an option for that?