Anandtech's review of the Bionic and a note about battery life


Silver Member
This is a similar post I made elsewhere about the review:

AnandTech - Motorola Droid Bionic Review - Dual Core with 4G LTE

They finally did a complete review. According to the review, overall the Bionic has the best battery life of all the other LTE phones if you add them up. In this order:

LG Revo
TBolt (shocker, right? lol)
Charge (Tbolt edges it by about an hour)

Biggest advantages for the Bionic's battery life? Wifi web browsing and talk time. Talk time is a HUGE difference. Everywhere else its about the same. And this may be a shocker to some seems to do fine vs. the GS2 in battery life too. Take away LTE scores and its a tie score for overall battery life. (the GS2 on the charts is the international LTE)

So if you have a Bionic, it should have decent battery life, the best for an LTE phone. If you're coming from a 3G phone, LTE is a battery drain. If coming from another LTE phone, it should be better than what you had overall. And a few things I get from this review: the Bionic isnt getting enough props for what it does well....and the OMAP 4 is no slouch, even with its 'measly', 'outdated' 1Ghz .

Speeding Wheels

Senior Member
The only haters are the ones who are always waiting for the next best thing.. they cant be happy with the current best thing.
3 weeks after they get their Galaxy/Nexus/Prime/whateverthehellitscalledtoday they'll be whining that they didnt wait for the SamTCola Gigantisaurus with it's massive 7" ultra HD screen, 3Ghz Quad Core CPU and 4GB of DDR5 RAM.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Premium Member
Battery life isnt that great on 4g but i will say that if you put the phone in cdma only mode you can easliy get 15hours on standard battery and more than a day on extended battery

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Silver Member
Typical solid Moto device! All three of mine have been top notch.



I just hope they keep the bionic up to date and don't forget about us. I know my phone is great. I just want it to be a priority for moto and vzw to keep the updates flowing in a timely manner fir bionic owners.

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