nexus 9

  1. DroidModderX

    New Devices Added to Lineage OS Including The Motorola Droid 4

    Lineage OS is the rebirth of Cyanogen Mod. It has been chugging along for the past year or so, and has now been added to many devices. It just picked up support for a few of my old favorites as well. The ROM brings support for devices including: Nexus 9 LTE Motorola Droid 4 Motorola Droid...
  2. DroidModderX

    The Nexus 6 and 9 Won't Receive Updates Past 7.1.1

    We all knew this would be coming soon. The aging Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 have been updated by Google all the way to the latest build of Android 7.1.1, but they won't receive any updates past this version of Android. This means they will not be receiving the new 7.1.2 update. They will however...
  3. DroidModderX

    Is Google Testing Andromeda "Hybrid OS" On The Nexus 9?

    There have been rumors swirling around that Google is working on a Hybrid OS which would merge Android together with Chrome OS. This hybrid would make for a one size fits all OS that would work for tablets and cell phones alike. Google may be getting closer to realizing this goal. Sources have...
  4. Jonny Kansas

    Nougat finally arriving for Nexus 6 devices "in the coming weeks"

    File this one in the "It's about time" drawer. Android Police is reporting that Nougat will finally be coming to Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 lte devices in the coming weeks, though they have no concrete timeline at this time. This is another in a short list of very strange occurences with the Nougat...
  5. DroidModderX

    Jide Releases Remix OS 2.0 For The Nexus 9 and 10

    The Remix OS by Jide was originally a forked version of Android that was designed for PCs and laptops. The Remix OS has since been transitioned into a tablet OS which brings the desktop experience to your Android tablet. A Beta version of the software was released back in March which included...
  6. DroidModderX

    No Wipe 6.0.1 Firmware Now Available For The Nexus 5 and Nexus 9

    Google has been slowly rolling out the new update to 6.0.1 to Nexus devices. The OTA has not yet hit every device. That being said you can flash the stock images which have all been available for about a week now. If you are flashing the update from Google but would like to keep save your data...