Some Nexus Player Orders Are Already Shipping and Could Show Up Today


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Within an hour of the Google Nexus Player going on sale, it was already out of stock. Several folks have been told by Google that their order was delayed until the middle of the month. For the most part it hasn't been a smooth rollout for Google's latest TV media and games player. It would appear that didn't get the process and device supply issues ironed out ahead of time.

There is still some bright news for a few folks though. Several folks who were told they wouldn't be receiving the Nexus Player until November 14th have received a new email from Google which backtracks. It indicates their device has already shipped and may show up as early as today.

Sound off and let us know if you are one of those lucky folks! Also, don't forget to check out our Nexus Player section for more discussions on Google's latest TV product: Nexus Player Android Forums at