Google having a presence in Best buys


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
We said that Google needed to do like Samsung and plant themselves a corner at local Best Buys that get their products to the masses and it looks like they are doing just that.

The one I was at was sold out of Pixel 2XLs so bummer for anyone looking to get one that day

Do your best buy have a Google section in it?

Oh and as for the pixelbook, meh. That sticker price runs you off immediately. Yeah it felt nice but not $1000 nice. More like at best $450 nice.

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me just sayin

Diamond Member
they have shelve space in the best buy in my neck of the woods. amazon has the better shelf space displays :) samsung used to have their own floor space within the store but they pulled out last year.


Diamond Member
I think Google and Amazon both have display sections at my local Best Buy. I haven't been there in a while, but kind of remember it looking like the attached pics here.

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me just sayin

Diamond Member
the thing I always hate about best buy is when you need help, there is nobody around but when you don't need help just about every associate ask you if you need help. One thing for sure, they have a huge selection of home assistance devices. which makes it nice when trying to decide.


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Went to another Best Buy and found they actually had a rep there. Unlike Samsung where there will be a rep in like every store, Google will have one rep assigned to several stores in a region.

Considering, the rep was pretty knowledgable but could not sell me on either the Home Max or the Pixelbook (their most expensive products). I actually started grilling her about the pixelbook, especially since at best buy an aisle over there was a Samsung Chromebook Plus that was half the price and did about the same. But I give her kudos for trying.

I did get some more info on the pixel phones. Looks like even at the Google section they will only sell Verizon exclusive Pixels, which is a bummer. But I am sure it has a lot to do with the agreement they have with Verizon on why they are not able to sell an unlocked version in the store.

She was also taking some feedback to which I reiterated that Google really needs to dial back the price of the pixelbook. There is just no way you can justify that price in best buy where an aisle over I can get either a cheaper chromebook or a Macbook and Surface at an equivalent price. ChromeOS is just not there (yet) and no one is going to buy just on potential alone.

Google has their reps trying to sell the price (of the pixelbook) on longevity and on what is coming. But any real techie will pass because of how fast tech advances and how quick Google is willing to abandon a project they feel is not working. Now I know chromebooks isn't going anywhere because of the presence they now have in classrooms. But we already read about google possibly shifting to a new OS (Fuchsia).

Overall definitely give Google credit for establishing a presence. Though, as the rep pointed out, the section is mainly to bring focus on Google assistant products and what it can do, having a display for their phones and chromebooks just add to the connection of these devices. I am looking forward to the Google equivalent of the echo show for a loved one, hopefully to come in a few months.

me just sayin

Diamond Member
bet she was glad to see you go. you were making her work :) I live an hour away from best buy so I don't know if they have a google rep or not. It would be nice...