Water on Droid: Semi-Translucent Black Screen


New Member
Feb 25, 2010
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Southern MD
The other day I accidentally splashed some water on my Droid, but it was so little that I didn't think to pull the battery. Now my phone will turn on, but the display screen is a semi-translucent black. In the right light, I can somewhat make out the display and the touch screen still works fine.

My Droid is currently sitting in a container of rice, although I'm sure the damage is already done due to me not pulling the battery immediately. The little indicator on the back has not turned red to indicate water damage, but I'm pretty sure if I brought it in for a repair Verizon would tell me some other internal indicator shows water damage.

Is there any hope or should I start looking at finding new phone? I do not have accidental coverage.
Start looking for another phone. Get insurance for the new one as well. Even if you snuck it by a rep, Motorola would see it and have the ability (Legally) to bill you for the full retail price of the phone.

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The other day I accidentally splashed some water on my Droid, but it was so little that I didn't think to pull the battery. Now my phone will turn on, but the display screen is a semi-translucent black. In the right light, I can somewhat make out the display and the touch screen still works fine.

My Droid is currently sitting in a container of rice, although I'm sure the damage is already done due to me not pulling the battery immediately. The little indicator on the back has not turned red to indicate water damage, but I'm pretty sure if I brought it in for a repair Verizon would tell me some other internal indicator shows water damage.

Is there any hope or should I start looking at finding new phone? I do not have accidental coverage.

Not so fast. I dropped mine in a half inch of water, enough to submerge it, and Verizon did a warranty claim on it. I am pretty sure there are only 2 or 3 indicators, all visible without taking it apart. Worth a shot.
Start looking for another phone. Get insurance for the new one as well. Even if you snuck it by a rep, Motorola would see it and have the ability (Legally) to bill you for the full retail price of the phone.

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If I sent it to them and they found it was water damaged, would they give me a repair estimate (if possible)? I'm finding refurbs for $100-ish, but I can't imagine the repair being that inexpensive.
Go into the store, they will check it and say if it has water damage. If they dont they will send it no questions asked, and if they find something just keep it and buy a used one off eBay.
Water Damage indicators are full of crap

Listen, I have dunked many phones before and I know what dunking is. I was in the rain briefly and a few DROPS of water got on the FRONT for the phone. Wiped them off, went on my way.

The next day it was 95 degrees outside and almost 100% humidity. I was outside in this using my phone all day and it was working fine. Got home and screen went black. Plus it was red-hot. The phone itself was working and I was getting calls, but could not answer them because I couldn't see the screen!!!

Put in the refrigerator and cooled it off. Still no screen. Went to the verizon store and they guy took out the battery and said it was dunked because the water damage indicator said so. I said no it wasn't dunked...never. It did get drops on the FRONT walking from my house to the car.....but that's it!

The guy said no, its been dunked. I said how the heck would you know..... I think these phones are designed so that the "indicators" go off at the slightest few drops or rain. More likely, I think these phones can't take the Florida heat very well, and when the humidity is high for extended periods.....those indicators possibly show damage from mere high humidity. VERIZON.... be aware of this please!!! If you sell these phones, tell people they are frail and easily damaged by normal conditions.

People....do not get DROIDS until Motorola fixes this issue. You shouldn't have to BABY your phone to this extent!!!