virus on ""


Jun 14, 2012
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hey guys,
i don't know where to post this, but i just installed some Anti-Virus software on my PC. a zip file came up with a trojan, it was my file that i think i downloaded for my win 7 drivers. i took a pic of it, but i won't be able to upload it until later.
it may be nothing, could be something, i just wanted to let the Dev's know, just in case they have that file linked for download.
i can provide more info later.....
Where did you download it from? I just downloaded one from another site and my anti-virus didn't pick up anything.
MotoFail itself is considered a trojan nowadays, overzealous AV software apparently doesn't think we have a right to root our phones......

YMMV depending on your exact AV software
I got it off of a DROID site. It might just be the type of program. I deleted the screen shot on accident, so I now no longer have any proof. I guess if u run Avast, it may pop up.
Yes, any exploit file will be detected by a good A/V program as a virus. All of the rooting files or modifier utilities are exploits. As long as you get it from a good source, you should be just fine to run it.