switching from .8 to .16

smart actions has nothing to do with tethering.
if you revert back to stock, the hotspot and tethering features will be back on your phone, yes.
I was wondering about that..when I get to a PC I'm reverting back so I can get tha update. Tha Jelly Haters ROM runs pretty good but i cant tether using usb. I want tha OTA update. I use my phone to tether my PC here. I'd do it here but there's no internet except dailup
I'm also wondering if I want to use foxfi or another program to tether do I need to unfreeze Smart Actions. I've also noticed on Jelly Haters ROM that Verizon Mobile hotspot and stock USB tether has been removed. If I revert back to ICS .211 and get tha OTA update to 98.72.16 will this fix this. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

You can not go back to .211. Your best bet is to use the utility and install .16.

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