Samsung Won't Allow You To Remap The Bixby Button On The Galaxy S8


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Oct 6, 2011
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Samsung is apparently all in on their Bixby voice assistant creation. When Bixby was launched it was a bit confusing. Why did it need to exist on a phone that runs Android which already includes Google Assist? Bixby seemed a bit redundant. For those of us who will never use Bixby being able to remap the Bixby button to something else we will use like Google Assist seemed to be a no brainer. Pretty quickly methods of remapping that button were developed. These methods are now being shut down by Samsung who says the methods exploit a system-level behavior, and as such the system-level behavior has been changed in order to prevent Bixby button remapping.

As you could expect users took to twitter to complain about this change. They were frustrated that Samsung is not willing to allow users to fully customize their phones. Samsung's head of PR Phillip Berne said, "Can't say it will never happen, but we won't officially support.". That being said the change can still be made if you are willing to root. It would have been nice to see Samsung just allow this one thing.

via XDA


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Bixby is a gimmick anyways, like Siri on iPhones. Useless and obsolete. Resistance is futile, Google will assimilate you.
The Borg are so last century. Cyberdine really does exist.
Combine them, Google Anna a couple of the mega banks and we'll have a helluva mess.
Every effing time I see Cyberdyne I think dataDyne from Perfect Dark.... I don't know why... maybe as a kid I never really paid attention to the companies in those movies.

still... some of these websites and then researching companies that are like the ones from games or movies.... just creepy