Need some support for the creation of a case


Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Need some support for Case Mate to make a case

Hey everyone,

Alright, so I don't know about you guys but im really not too happy with any case I can find for my Droid X. Either the case is too bulky, it covers up buttons, it leaves too many things exposed, its ugly, or it makes it difficult to use the hardware buttons and access the notification bar. With all of that said I put in a request to Case-Mate to make a "barely there" case. Along with that also a "I make my own case" which is when you can customize the colors or images on the case. The best part of these cases is that they are really light weight but offer really good protection. The protect the back and the sides and also provide a tiny lip on the front so even if you put the case screen side down the screen won't be touching the surface. I NEED SUPPORT for this case to get produced. You just need to go to this link, case-mate Product Feedback , and vote for my post called ""Barely There" or "I Make My Case" for the Droid X" PLEASE and THANK YOU!!dancedroid:)
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Thanks for the support man. Really appreciate it.

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I votes for ya too x3 :) best of luck! And if you get it I hope to see a pic and see if I want to get it also thanks!

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