Galaxy Watch 4 Gets Another Update


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Sep 5, 2010
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Unlike days of old when Samsung released a software update that I'd see months from its initial release this one released on September 13 of this year (just a couple of days ago ) mine downloaded onto my phone today while I was at lunch .
The update boasts of a minor stability update BUT also all new features from the Galaxy Watch 5 are in this update . New faces and abilities for existing faces are part of the joy . My favorite is a new ability to increase the fonts , as shown in the screen shot. Something some may miss but I'm glad it's gone is in the last update when you swiped down from the home screen to access your quick panel it would show today's date for about 15 seconds before showing the battery left . 99 times out of 100 I swipe down to see my battery level not the quick panel . Speaking of battery level , to install on my watch used almost 40% of my battery so keep that in mind before installing the update . It took a total of about 10 minutes for download , install , reboot and a second auto reboot .
More info can be found here

Screenshot_20220916-165204_Galaxy Watch4 Manager.jpg

Darth Mode 10+


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I used the new ability to name the alarm for the first time .
At 430 am , setting it up ain't pretty but it worked .

I just found out even when my watch is set to vibrate only the alarm gives an audible tone as well as vibrate . That's a good or bad thing , depending on the situation . I was busy when the alert started so I didn't notice the vibration on my wrist but did notice the tone

Darth Mode 10+
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After using the watch for a while after the update the biggest change I'm seeing is you can now respond to texts via the keyboard as well as if you're using Gboard that allows you to respond via voice to words . Before the canned messages were the only choice when replying to texts via the notification instead of opening the text app .
My battery life is about the same .
The auto detect workouts has vastly improved in both sensing the start and finish as well as finally fixing the bug long time bug in auto started dynamic (other) workout .

Darth Mode 10+
There is a new watch face in case you want to root on your home country in the World Cup (don't blame me , I didn't release the darn thing after the tournament was over , Samsung did ) and boasts snappier performance . Time will tell if that translates into better battery life as this same software is also pushing to the Galaxy Watch 5 , all variants .
This one took about 10 minutes to completely install and used about 20% of my watch battery . It got rather warm as well . My LTE version (Galaxy Watch 4 and Classic LTE versions only ) has a known bug where it shuts down prematurely when things warm up inside of it so I was kinda concerned for a few minutes that it'd become a brick by going into airplane mode in the middle of an update .
This is NOT the broken update from last October so no need to be concerned there .

Darth Mode 10+
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