Early upgrade!


New Member
May 25, 2010
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After weeks of sending Verizon customer service emails, as well as motorola, I sent emails to the BBB and got a response from Sherene. She was very strong in her stance about motorola and the bootloader as well as Verizon's upgrade policy. I also sent a letter via snail mail to Verizon customer service with my feelings and concerns. Much to my surprise, they responded swiftly and professionally, and they have sent out 2 HTC Rezounds as replacements for my defective X2's. Persistance totally paid off!! I wish you all the best of luck in all of your future endeavours, and want to say thank the dev's who brought Eclipse and Cyanogenmod to our X2's making them somewhat bearable. I hope to see all of you in the future!
What kind of problems were you having? Ive had mine since July last year and am due an upgrade. Mine is having issues.
Battery drains, random reboots, locked bootloader, glitch camera. These are a few of the main issues.
Should I just use my upgrade rather than mess with my X2? Any good phone recomendations?
Galaxy S III - it comes out May 29th
great phone with awesome battery life! DO IT!
Droid Bionic is an awesome phone if your on a budget.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Droid Forums
beungood said:
Is this a Droid Fighter equivalent? Is it as good as a Razer HD Maxx?

No way of knowing. We don't know what the fighter will ACTUALLY be. Right now its a rumor, everything from its specs and even its name are all speculation.

casper99801 said:
Battery drains, random reboots, locked bootloader, glitch camera. These are a few of the main issues.

Whoa. I have the same problems. And I have only had this for like three weeks.

Sent from my DROID X2 using Droid Forums