Droid2Global...not so good anymore!


New Member
I've had my D2G for almost a year, and I'm calling it quits. The phone is "possessed"---it needs an exorcism! Sometimes it works as it should, but more times than not it simply does as it pleases. I can no longer play games on it...no accurate response from the touch screen. Forget trying to send text messages or even calling someone from my list...no go! It calls random people, sends messages with random letters/symbols, tries to connect to Wifi when I haven't requested it...the list goes on and on. Powering off, removing the battery? Sometimes it helps, but for just a little while. And WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO DO THIS?? I've been to Verizon several times, called tech support, etc...no fix for this crappy phone. I've learned it's all about hardware issues with the slide-out keyboard. My daughter has the same phone, got a refurb, and she STILL has the same issues with this phone. I don't have the $$$ to get a different phone...I'm only hoping Verizon will assist in some way for me to replace this phone with something else. I'll gladly make monthly payments on an iPhone or Samsung...
Sorry to hear that. I absolutely loved my D2G. It was indestructible. I dropped it and messed with the OS constantly and it would not die. My son has it now. I actually miss it at times.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk


Premium Member
Premium Member
It seems the D2G is one of the most buggy phones that have been released. Which sucks, I know a lot of friends who switched to Apple because of this phone and thinking all android phones are horrible.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using.. magic.


My wife's D2G acts crazy too. Hers is a refurbished though.

Sorry, I don't have any real answers though.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
I would try doing an sbf on it. Use the one for 2.2.229 i think. The first one. If its a refurb than god only knows what was in it before you got it. This will completely wipe the phone and return it to pure factory settings. From there you can update back to GB. Cant promise it will fix it, but it cant hurt.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk


Welcome to the site. Hope you get your situation resolved. DancingNexus